Other Podcasts

Other Podcasts





This podcast was a critical and satirical reconsideration of all aspects of Christianity, the Bible, and God.

Podcast site here.

27 episodes, January 9–April 11, 2024

I covered all aspects of writing and editing.

Podcast site here.

239 episodes, January 7, 2022–December 7, 2023

In this podcast I talked about various aspects of the book I’ve written—My Sam Johnson: A Biography for the General Reader—published October 24, 2023.

Book site here. Podcast site here.

30 episodes, April–October 2021; revived briefly July 2023

In this podcast I read my novel The Killing Type, which I’d published in 2015.

Book site here. Podcast site here.

25 episodes (26 chapters), November–December 2021

I revisited my novel Will’s Dead Wife, which I’d published in 2012, reading it aloud and commenting on the chapters—all on Substack. The idea was to revise it, partly based on subscribers’ comments but mostly on my own assessment, with a view to publishing a revised version. I stopped, though, because I wasn’t happy with the writing. And I unpublished the novel on Amazon.

October–December 2022